Newborn Babies’ Behavior

Newborn Babies’ Behavior

Coming into the world is an adventure for babies because it is something new and quite different from the warm cocoon atmosphere they are used to when they were in the womb. The unfamiliar place they find themselves is different and the only means of communicating...
Baby Development Month by Month: Month 1

Baby Development Month by Month: Month 1

At last, your new baby’s here and you’re starting to get to know the little person you’ve been carrying for 9 months. Here’s what to expect in the first 4 weeks of your newborn’s life. Growing and developing Your baby will be born with several reflexes: she’ll grip...
How to Care for Newborn Skin

How to Care for Newborn Skin

A newborn baby’s skin is very soft and delicate. Here’s how to take good care of it in the first few months. Your baby’s skin is continually changing during the first part of his life, and 1 in 3 babies have some kind of skin sensitivity before the age of 3. Here’s...